ReynaldPHP 8 New Feature You Need To Know As PHP DeveloperAs part of this release, you will benefit from performance improvements — thanks to the new JIT Compiler. But you will also enjoy useful…Mar 11, 20214381Mar 11, 20214381
In資安工作者的學習之路byKuro HuangMetasploitable 學習筆記-DVWA LFI( Local File inclusion ) /RFI (Remote File Inclusion)& Reverse ShellWhat is Local File Inclusion?May 21, 20203May 21, 20203
Shadab Ahmed AnsariPHP Object InjectionChain Vulnerability (LFI to RCE)Jun 14, 2021151Jun 14, 2021151
TomNomNomCRLF Injection Into PHP’s cURL OptionsThis is a post about injecting carriage return and line feed characters into a internal API call. I wrote this up a year ago as a Gist on…Aug 1, 20181.2K1Aug 1, 20181.2K1
IntajawalbyMustafa MagdiDeal with Memory Gently using “Yield” in PHPI will answer the question “What is the benefit of having yield in PHP” comparing to “return” keyword especially in terms of memory…Jan 12, 20181.7K4Jan 12, 20181.7K4
Igor VorobiovThe 5 Most Common Design Patterns in PHP ApplicationsIf you think that the number one pattern is Singleton then you are fired! The Singleton pattern is already deprecated, and not wanted and…Feb 27, 20182.4K13Feb 27, 20182.4K13
InProd.IObyBhanu ShuklaSOLID Principles in PHPThis post is to provide an easy to understand idea about the implementation of one of the most “talked about” principles of Object Oriented…Oct 26, 20171.4K3Oct 26, 20171.4K3
InphpopsbyElijah ZobenkoPHP-backend RoadmapIn the very beginning of learning PHP that might be such a puzzle to pick the right direction and instruments to learn first..Sep 12, 20213633Sep 12, 20213633
InwetprogrammerbyChiVincentPHP 騙你,PDO prepare 並沒有準備好2019.11.07 更新:目前文章已經遷移至 ,後續本文將不再更新May 26, 2018239May 26, 2018239
InBobble EngineeringbyShubhdeep RajputBest Practices for writing secure PHP scriptsIf you are in web application development domain then you must have at least heard about PHP. It is most widely used scripting language out…Oct 19, 2021149Oct 19, 2021149